The project
Hôtel Sainte Valière is a not for profit association, transforming this historic house in the village of Sainte Valière into a place of creative and cultural output and exchange, by opening the house up for residencies, concerts and events, and working with the creators, cooks, cultural institutions and small producers of the region.
We dedicate every May, June, July, September and October to artists in residence, and propose regular summer concerts featuring our musicians in residence, as well as artistic and gastronomic events. We are a member of the worldwide network of artist residencies ResArtis, as well as the organisation for the protection of artists at risk of persecution or oppression Artists at Risk and are open to submissions from artists from all countries.
Hôtel Sainte Valière has been created by Eloise and Justin Caleo. Eloise is an illustrator and co-founder of Open Studio, a live music venue in Northcote, Melbourne, currently in it’s 17th year of operation, and Justin is a print-maker and graphic designer specialising in publishing.
You can become a member of our not for profit association Les amis de l’Hôtel Sainte Valière. You can also enter into partnership with the Hôtel Sainte Valière, or support us in the following ways: Support
The house is also ideal for hosting readings, exhibitions, tours, concerts, weddings or a restaurant. Contact us if you would like to realise your project at the Hôtel Sainte Valière.