Story of the Hôtel Sainte Valière 

Written and illustrated by Eloise Caleo, this is a two part story about our adventures in Sainte Valière. Part one (92 illustrated pages) recounts arriving in the village of Sainte Valière, the Cayla house, and the beginnings of our project here:

Part Two (110 illustrated pages) recounts our first year in the village, the strangeness of it all, and the arrival of the first artists, who transform the Hôtel Sainte Valière from an idea into a veritable artist residency. Here are some landscapes from Part Two:

Both books are available in French or English. To order please contact eloise at

Part One 15€  + postage / $20 AU + postage

Part Two 17€  + postage / $22 AU + postage

Parts One & Two 28€  + postage / $35 AU + postage