Support the Hôtel Sainte Valière

There are many ways in which you can engage with or support the Hôtel Sainte Valière.


The Hôtel Sainte Valière is currently looking for partners for specific residency programs. We are happy to engage with potential partners to design a residency tailored to your needs. We are particularly interested in supporting literature, languages, the visual arts, and music.


If you would like to become a sponsor of the Hôtel Sainte Valière, or of the participation in our programs of a particular artist or artists, please contact us.


The Hôtel Sainte Valière is currently creating two libraries, one of books and one of musical instruments. If you have books you would like to donate, in French, English, or other languages, in the categories of literature, music, history and the arts, please contact us! If you have musical instruments you would like to donate, or in some cases sell to us, again do contact us.
